Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Low Testosterone Warning Signs

You wake up in the morning, flaccid, limp, soft... Not good!  Why, well, testosterone levels are always highest in the morning. If you're low now, you can be sure of one thing, as the day progresses, your T levels are going to drop even lower.  By the time mid day rolls around you're going to be in the tank my friend.

What is a low T male like, typically?  For simplicity sake lets call him an LTM (Low testosterone Male).  An LTM is bitchy, plain and simple, especially with his significant other.  If you have kids, same thing.  No patience, no sense of humor, no energy, no desire to do anything.  You just want to be left alone . Passive aggressive behavior is the norm here.  She's five minutes late, you don't talk to her, won't look at her.  You've turned into the bitchy old man down the street who stares you down every time you exceed 5 mph in the neighborhood.  That guy has NO  testosterone, Zip, Nada, Zero.  Trust me, that old guy is a full time bitch..Nothing in this world makes him happy.   Old ladies get sweet as they age.  Old men lose their T.  Once that happens, life just isn't any fun anymore, the birds stop singing, the dogs stop smiling, the girls stop looking pretty.

Now, you've turned into the old man down the street. You're a LTM!!  What else do you have to look forward to today.??  Not much.  Why, because you have absolutely zero interest in anything going on in this world.  You don't want to talk to anyone, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to go anywhere.  You have no drive to succeed, no ambition, no lust for the ladies...YOU"VE LOST YOUR MOJO!!!  

If you have anything to accomplish today, it's probably not going to happen.  The day will probably end up with you on the couch with 4 hours of boring, negative, useless TV time under your belt, and a serious load of depression for being a worthless slob.  Especially if you drank that 12 pack of beer, or polished off that half gallon of ice cream.  It's always one or the other at this point, alcohol or sugar.  You're trying to self medicate,  your jacking with your serotonin levels.   Unfortunately, it's not going to work.  All you're going  to do is slam your T down even further tomorrow.  Damn...  life sucks without testosterone......

To be continued...