He was fairly well put together, 6 ft, decent built. He'd been hitting the iron, but he was no Arnold, not even close. He had made the classic rookie mistake of radically over training his biceps, and under training his triceps. Anybody who's been around for a while knows, it's the tri's that really make an arm look bad. Big bi's and weak tri's = rookie in my book every time.
Anyway, he clears his tab, and starts heading for the door, and this is where the real fun began, as his act went from comical to absolutely ridiculous. He put his grocery bag in his left hand because that arm was facing the crowd, raised his arm up so his forearm was parallel to the floor, and flexed his bicep hard as he walked to the door. As he was flexing, he was quickly, almost desperately glancing around the room to see who was looking him. A lot of people were because this dude and his act were so transparent, it was hard not to.
If he only knew how asinine he looked, and how repulsive that type of behavior is to the ladies. They've got a nose for this type of stuff that's way better than any guy I know, and it turns them off big time. Insecurity is not an attractive quality.
Now, compare this dude to the one in my last post. Who do you think is happier? The tall insecure guy, or the short balding guy, with the girl, the confidence, and the T.
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