Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life Sucks Without Testosterone

When you're having a high T day, life is good.... How do you know if you're having a high T day?    Morning wood is always an excellent sign. When you've got the wood, you've got the juice, and when you've got the juice, life is good!  Motivation is high, the girls are looking pretty, and you've got tons of confidence baby!  I'll argue here and now, that for a man, testosterone is the best drug on this entire planet.  This is especially true if you've exited your 20's, and have seen and felt your T drop like a bucket of cement from a highriser.  That drop, plain and simple, means a reduction in your manhood.  If you don't do something about it now, then you might as well check out , cause life ain't worth living without T.  Trust me, I know...I've been to that hell and back.  After kicking, scratching, and crawling my way out, I don't ever plan on going back there again.

More later........................