Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Catuaba Bark

Catuaba bark makes me horny, plain and simple.  The effects build over time.  You drink it as a tea, and after 7-10 days, things will start to kick in.  I first noticed intense erotic dreams on about day 8.  I felt like I had porn reels running in my head.  By the 10th day, I was juiced and highly motived to get busy, as my woman can attest to.  The effects, 18 months later, are still very consistent, although not as strong as the first four weeks or so.  That is, unless I cycle off for a while, and then start up again.  The beauty of the top 5 is, that as the effects start to diminish, you switch up to another substance, and BAM!, you get hit big with the juice again, just like you were taking it for the first time.  

I highly recommend that you go Here  and read this thread on the Mind and Muscle forums about Catuaba.

The initial poster had experiences that were very similar to mine, although they were a bit more intense, probably due to the fact the he looks quite a bit younger than me.  I can still take a leak without getting a hard on, fortunately.  

One thing that really caught my eye were the messages from other people, who had given it a try, and hadn't experienced anything.  Being experienced with this stuff, I know exactly why it didn't work for them, and should probably go back and enlighten them all when I get a chance. 

The problem is, most of the stuff you buy on the net sucks.  What I've found is you have to have the powdered bark, straight from the tree, and it needs to be very fresh, and strong smelling. The problem with most suppliers, including those discussed in the thread, is that their stuff is old, dry, and lacking in potency.  The guy in the thread is a lucky man.  He lives in Brazil, and obviously is taking the good stuff,  fresh, and right off the tree.

Another problem is, there are several varieties of plant being sold as Catuaba that are not the real deal. What you need is Erythroxylum Catuaba. Unfortunately, quite often, product labeled Erythroxylum turns out to be a completely different species once it arrives in my mail box, and I have a chance to look it over.

My solution to the problem was to find a supplier, and import very fresh product directly from Brazil. The downside is, I have to buy a minimum of a kilo at a time.  This problem has taken care of itself now, as I've got 7 of my friends and relatives following my protocol, so we're going through a kilo every few months or so.  

The last time I ordered, I knew I was going to start blogging , so I purchased an extra kilo and have placed it on the net HERE  for those interested.  It's the fresh stuff,  broken down into quarter pound packages, which should last you at least a couple of months.  If it turns out not to be too big of a hassle, I'll continue to offer this service in the future. 

Here  is a page with some additional info on Catuaba if you'd like to read more.

Next up, Tongkat Ali.........


Monday, May 19, 2008

Top 5 ways to increase testosterone naturally

I don't use natural stuff exclusively, but I normally prefer to go that route. If I can take an herb, mineral, or root that has been used by a culture for hundreds of years, without any obvious side effects, I think that's a better choice than using something concocted in a lab somewhere.  Here is a list of the top five natural supplements I use to keep my testosterone and libido supercharged.  

1. Catuaba Bark

2. Tongkat Ali 

3. Tribulus Terrestris

4. Rhodiola Rosea

5. Antler Velvet 

These alone do an outstanding job keeping me juiced, unless something unusual is going on, like sickness, or a nasty hangover.  The key to all of these supplements is to find high quality products, which can be very, very, tough.  Most of the stuff out there is junk, especially the Catuaba and Tongat Ali products you can find all over the web.  Catuaba needs to be extremely fresh, and strong smelling, otherwise it's useless.  I'm going to go through each of the top 5 in upcoming posts, and I'll  describe where and how I use each herb.  I'll also provide sources where you can locate high quality versions of these herbs so they'll actually work for you.  If you have low T, follow my protocol, use the quality sources I direct you to, you'll see amazing changes in your libido, and levels of testosterone.. 


It ain't about the looks, it's about the Testosterone, Part 2

Here we go again.  Sunday morning, I was in the health food store buying some grub.  As I'm standing in line to pay, I see this guy in a tank top in another line across the way.  He was standing there...actually not standing, this guy was posing, and posing in a big way. Chewing gum like some character in a cheesey 1940's gangster movie, and squinting with his eyes,  like he was doing some sort of a strange, overdone, Clint Eastwood impression. He's got his arms crossed, his legs spread wide in a classic, "I'm Bad",  body language pose. Now, with all that posturing, of course this guy was constantly glancing around the room, checking to see if anyone was looking at him.  I was, because I knew what this guy was all about, and I'm always entertained when I'm around fools like this. 

He was fairly well put together, 6 ft, decent built.  He'd been hitting the iron, but he was no Arnold, not even close.  He had made the classic rookie mistake of radically over training his biceps, and under training his triceps.  Anybody who's been around for a while knows, it's the tri's that really make an arm look bad.  Big bi's and weak tri's = rookie in my book every time.  

Anyway, he clears his tab, and starts heading for the door, and this is where the real fun began, as his act went from comical to absolutely ridiculous.  He put his grocery bag in his left hand because that arm was facing the crowd, raised his arm up so his forearm was parallel to the floor, and flexed his bicep hard as he walked to the door. As he was flexing, he was quickly, almost desperately glancing around the room to see who was looking him.  A lot of people were because this dude and his act were so transparent, it was hard not to. 

If he only knew how asinine he looked, and how repulsive that type of behavior is to the ladies. They've got a nose for this type of stuff that's way better than any guy I know, and it turns them off big time.  Insecurity is not an attractive quality.

Now, compare this dude to the one in my last post.  Who do you think is happier?  The tall insecure guy, or the short balding guy, with the girl, the confidence, and the T.


Friday, May 16, 2008

It ain't about the looks, it's about the Testosterone!

I was in a tea place yesterday ordering up a green tea.  This place is near a college, and it does a ton of business.  All the rich college kids pulling out daddy's credit card and charging up the drinks. 

 I had just placed my order, and was kicking around waiting for my drink when this guy walked in.  He was 5' 7 at best.  He could have even been a bit shorter.  To me he looked to be about 45. He had a good sized bald spot on the back of his head, and was thinning in the front. Not totally bald, he still had some hair, and was keeping it together, but just barely.  So, he's short, going bald, and on top of that, he wasn't the best looking guy in the world.  Not ugly, but no Rock Hudson.  What struck me about this guy was his strut.  I immediately knew he was a T man.  This little guy was as sure as hell of himself.  The way he ordered, the way looked around the room, the way he talked to the cashier.  Not overly cocky or obnoxious, just confident.  

Two minutes later, as I'm leaving, this 40ish year old girl walks in.  Well put together, nice boobs, (probably fake, but not overdone),  cute face.  Definitely someone you'd look at twice if you were walking down the street. What happens next?  I think you know what's coming.  She walked right up to the short guy, put her hand on his back, and grabbed her drink off the counter.  She was his woman!!  I couldn't believe it!  I walked out onto to the street and could barely contain the cake eating grin on my face....   

Testosterone is a sweet, sweet, thing.......


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Low Testosterone Warning Signs

You wake up in the morning, flaccid, limp, soft... Not good!  Why, well, testosterone levels are always highest in the morning. If you're low now, you can be sure of one thing, as the day progresses, your T levels are going to drop even lower.  By the time mid day rolls around you're going to be in the tank my friend.

What is a low T male like, typically?  For simplicity sake lets call him an LTM (Low testosterone Male).  An LTM is bitchy, plain and simple, especially with his significant other.  If you have kids, same thing.  No patience, no sense of humor, no energy, no desire to do anything.  You just want to be left alone . Passive aggressive behavior is the norm here.  She's five minutes late, you don't talk to her, won't look at her.  You've turned into the bitchy old man down the street who stares you down every time you exceed 5 mph in the neighborhood.  That guy has NO  testosterone, Zip, Nada, Zero.  Trust me, that old guy is a full time bitch..Nothing in this world makes him happy.   Old ladies get sweet as they age.  Old men lose their T.  Once that happens, life just isn't any fun anymore, the birds stop singing, the dogs stop smiling, the girls stop looking pretty.

Now, you've turned into the old man down the street. You're a LTM!!  What else do you have to look forward to today.??  Not much.  Why, because you have absolutely zero interest in anything going on in this world.  You don't want to talk to anyone, you don't want to do anything, you don't want to go anywhere.  You have no drive to succeed, no ambition, no lust for the ladies...YOU"VE LOST YOUR MOJO!!!  

If you have anything to accomplish today, it's probably not going to happen.  The day will probably end up with you on the couch with 4 hours of boring, negative, useless TV time under your belt, and a serious load of depression for being a worthless slob.  Especially if you drank that 12 pack of beer, or polished off that half gallon of ice cream.  It's always one or the other at this point, alcohol or sugar.  You're trying to self medicate,  your jacking with your serotonin levels.   Unfortunately, it's not going to work.  All you're going  to do is slam your T down even further tomorrow.  Damn...  life sucks without testosterone......

To be continued...



Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life Sucks Without Testosterone

When you're having a high T day, life is good.... How do you know if you're having a high T day?    Morning wood is always an excellent sign. When you've got the wood, you've got the juice, and when you've got the juice, life is good!  Motivation is high, the girls are looking pretty, and you've got tons of confidence baby!  I'll argue here and now, that for a man, testosterone is the best drug on this entire planet.  This is especially true if you've exited your 20's, and have seen and felt your T drop like a bucket of cement from a highriser.  That drop, plain and simple, means a reduction in your manhood.  If you don't do something about it now, then you might as well check out , cause life ain't worth living without T.  Trust me, I know...I've been to that hell and back.  After kicking, scratching, and crawling my way out, I don't ever plan on going back there again.

More later........................